Starting problems - April 09

16/06/2009 11:48

The initial problem just after buying Genevieve was the fact that she was really only starting when she felt like it.


The first port of call was the battery.  Once the battery was recharged and the terminals checked as secure she started first time. A check with the altimeter showed that there was no power loss at the earth strap. However this did not mean that she would start a second time as we found out on our first Camping trip to meet with the 8090 VW club in Dartmoor.  We got there fine, just once we got there she wouldnt start and we ended up calling the AA twice in as many days.  The first time we had to replace the battery which we kind of expected so we weren't too upset although it cost us £95 and she still wouldn't start when it was time to go home!


The second time they came out they told us that the alternator wasn't chucking out any more than 10v and so either had to be replaced or refurbished.


Thus the fun began - how do you find an alternator for a 1983 VW camper?  Not easy.  I finally found one via a really helpful online company called alternator mart.  It duly arrived but didnt fit - the holes for the retaining nuts were not in the right places.  Trawled a few VW outlets nearby and ended up in a really tiny auto electrical repair shop who took the old one and returned it to me a week later all bright and shiny and working well.  Since then the starting problems were sorted.




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